The secretary had absolutely no clue in the world where that place is located she told me she's behind a hairdresser called scissor palace.. I live in the area.. behind scissor Palace .there r homes .she's not behind scissor Palace ..Wendy has no idea how to even tell anybody where this business is located she thinks she might near the Oxford Mall.... you work somewhere and you have no clue where in the world where you are ???? what kind of directions is that makes me feel like this place is very incompetent I don't even want to deal with them anymore
The secretary had absolutely no clue in the world where that place is located she told me she's behind a hairdresser called scissor palace.. I live in the area.. behind scissor Palace .there r homes .she's not behind scissor Palace ..Wendy has no idea how to even tell anybody where this business is located she thinks she might near the Oxford Mall.... you work somewhere and you have no clue where in the world where you are ???? what kind of directions is that makes me feel like this place is very incompetent I don't even want to deal with them anymore