I said it once I said it twice Rothrock Nissan service department is the greatest service department you will ever want to experience they go Way Beyond the Call of Duty to help you especially the manager of rock rock his name is Patrick at Nissan they are fantastic I've been going there for 7 years now I don't have a problem about Rothrock rodrock is the greatest for your car their service is excellent and you always come out happy if you don't whoever said so they're lying thanks Roth Rock George Alexander here thank you 4 your service that you give it to all your customers
I said it once I said it twice Rothrock Nissan service department is the greatest service department you will ever want to experience they go Way Beyond the Call of Duty to help you especially the manager of rock rock his name is Patrick at Nissan they are fantastic I've been going there for 7 years now I don't have a problem about Rothrock rodrock is the greatest for your car their service is excellent and you always come out happy if you don't whoever said so they're lying thanks Roth Rock George Alexander here thank you 4 your service that you give it to all your customers