Brenda in parts is a wonderful person to deal with. She is very knowledgeable, helpful and will always try to work with you if she can. Her skills with the older equipment is very handy, as most places you call dont even know that Allis Chalmers had a line of lawn and garden equipment. She does, and knows them like the back of her hand. I dont hesitate to order parts from them and have them shipped to NC anytime im in need.
Brenda in parts is a wonderful person to deal with. She is very knowledgeable, helpful and will always try to work with you if she can. Her skills with the older equipment is very handy, as most places you call dont even know that Allis Chalmers had a line of lawn and garden equipment. She does, and knows them like the back of her hand. I dont hesitate to order parts from them and have them shipped to NC anytime im in need.