I have been a Liberty Trike owner since crowd funding days. Originally I bought the trike for my dad, who would not use it. His loss, my gain. I have over 1300 miles on it, use it as regular means of transportation for trips under five miles and make it work for a living. Rain, snow, cold, hot. I pack the the baskets, and have even used a makeshift trailer. Mine is a working trike.
Even better than the trike is the company. Alec, Jeromy, Nicole and Jason especially have helped me out. This is world class service from a tiny company.
This is a big purchase for the target audience, and Liberty offers a free 21 day trial, with free shipping and a financing option.
The Facebook group for owners is a great resource, too. The people on the page - real owners and riders - share information, tips and concerns. Most of them are new to ebikes. Many have physical limitations which make biking any other way difficult if not impossible. No one is made to feel stupid because they don’t understand “power cycling the battery” or forget how to change the display. Spam, off topic commentary and nastiness, if anyone has tried, is quickly taken care of.
By the way from what was said, the reviewer who gave this trike one star does not own - or has ever ridden - a Liberty Trike. Yet Jason wrote a nice response, very respectful, addressing the concerns stated. Yes, that is good business, but it is good manners in the face of an ill considered review.
I have been a Liberty Trike owner since crowd funding days. Originally I bought the trike for my dad, who would not use it. His loss, my gain. I have over 1300 miles on it, use it as regular means of transportation for trips under five miles and make it work for a living. Rain, snow, cold, hot. I pack the the baskets, and have even used a makeshift trailer. Mine is a working trike. Even better than the trike is the company. Alec, Jeromy, Nicole and Jason especially have helped me out. This is world class service from a tiny company. This is a big purchase for the target audience, and Liberty offers a free 21 day trial, with free shipping and a financing option. The Facebook group for owners is a great resource, too. The people on the page - real owners and riders - share information, tips and concerns. Most of them are new to ebikes. Many have physical limitations which make biking any other way difficult if not impossible. No one is made to feel stupid because they don’t understand “power cycling the battery” or forget how to change the display. Spam, off topic commentary and nastiness, if anyone has tried, is quickly taken care of. By the way from what was said, the reviewer who gave this trike one star does not own - or has ever ridden - a Liberty Trike. Yet Jason wrote a nice response, very respectful, addressing the concerns stated. Yes, that is good business, but it is good manners in the face of an ill considered review.